Tools developed by Luisa Hugerth.
OptiVagtools and databasesTools and curated databases for annotating vaginal metagenomes
Valodytools and databasesA tool to assign VAginaL DYnamic categories to individuals based on their VALENCIA CST assignments
Bioinfomatics Q&A
Here you could find answers for some frequently asked bioinformatics questions from beginners! Check it out if it’s the first time of your time to play around with Bioinformatics!
Q: What is cluster? What is local? What is remote?
A: A computer cluster is a set of computers that work together so that they can be viewed as a single system. Local normally refers to your personal computer. If you’re using a Mac then local refers to your Mac computer, if you’re using windows then local refers to your windows computer. While remote normally refers to a computer cluster that is located far away from you. And you could get access to the remote by logging in with your user account/password on that cluster and do computational intensive work.
Q: What is jupyter?
A: Jupyter is more like a programming platform that enables you to use many different programming languages on it. It is normally Jupyter notebook where you write our code on with Jupyter, your code can be modulized into small chunks in jupyter notebook and you can also have instant output within your jupyter notebook. Just imaging when you use python to plot a graph, the most premitive way is to write the code for plotting in python and save the plot in a file (maybe png format), then you open the file mannually to check the plot. With Jupyter notebook all you need to do is write the code for plotting and run, the plot will be visualized on your notebook. Isn’t that cool?